Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How Was Your Day?

Everyone of us goes through our daily lives, with our so-called daily routines. At the end of each day, we rest after performing our daily tasks. But, have you ever done a mental recap of what you have done for the day? Do you gauge your day by exclaiming whether you had a good day or a bad day? The reason I asked is that all too often people go about their daily lives even before the sun comes up, doing their daily chores, then gasp at the end of the day that it just went by so swiftly. Some of us even whine that the day is too short, that there should have been more than 24 hours to do all the tasks at hand. I, like many others, am guilty of thinking that the day is just too short. I tend to multi-task a lot, juggling three or four different things at a time. However, even when I start earlier than usual to do my work and end later to try to finish it, it's as if I still have a mountain of tasks to accomplish ready for me to tackle again the next day.

The idea of writing this article was brought about by the single question that my teenage daughter asks me whenever she and her Dad would pick me up at the train station after I get off from work. She would always ask how my day was...to which I often answered with a simple single word that describes my typical work day- "Busy". It's funny because now that I think about it, I answer the same way almost everyday for how many years now. So, what does this word really means to me? I recapped my day from the moment I woke up in the morning. I did a mental list of the things I have done.

From the time I woke up before the dawn breaks, to the time I came home just when the sun is about to set, there were indeed a tremendous amount of things to do each day. Never-ending tasks, a lot of challenges; both at work and at home to worry about. I am not going to bore you with the details of my day to day activities, besides, the list is a mile long, and we might run out of space!

Kidding aside, I am here to proudly say that each day I start with saying my thanks to God, for He allowed me to wake up with renewed health and strength that I can use to get through the day. After I hop on the train to and from work, I say a little prayer for Him to take care of me on my travel. When I have difficult challenges at work, I close my eyes and say another prayer for Him to help me solve those problems. At the end of the day, before going to bed I have my own prayer, unless all three of us are at home, then we say our family prayer together before we go to sleep. Through out the day I pray from 5 to 6 times, more if there are situations that call for one such as, worship services, prayer meetings, illnesses, problems at home, and the like. It may be a lot to some people, but considering the other tasks and the amount of time each one takes to complete, it doesn't take too much to say a prayer. Some people even spend time talking on the phone much longer, even lasting for several hours. A prayer doesn't too take long... a couple or so minutes should be enough in most cases.

So, what am I saying is that there should not be any excuse for us, no matter how busy we get each day, not to say a prayer. You may be on a train, on a plane, or driving a car you can utter your prayer or speak in your mind. The important thing is that you have that communication daily with our Almighty God. You should put God as your top priority...for He can make all your worries fade away.

So how was your day? Have you spoken to God lately?

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