Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcoming the New Year

I cannot wait until this year is over. I love welcoming the New Year each year simply because I cannot wait to start the year fresh and I also cannot wait to see what is in store for all of us. A lot of people plan their New Year's resolution before December of the year that is about to end. However, the most popular New Year's resolutions we hear of are about dieting, handling finances, doing better at work or school. Although there is nothing wrong about all of these so-called New Year's resolutions, however, people tend to forget the most important thing in life-- their spirituality. Our spiritual being needs an overhaul every now and then too. Nobody is perfect and a lot of us succumb to vices every now and then. Mistakes in life are part of human nature...of our frailties; however, it is also important to scrutinize each one of our mistakes in order to avoid them in the future.

Gaining spiritual strength is important in order to live a well-balanced life. Far more important than losing weight, saving money, career advancement, good grades, our spiritual health. Our spiritual being balances our is what would keep us strong against all adversities, it is also what will keep us humble...reminding us always that there is someone that reign above us, the One who we answer to. It is our connection to our Great Creator, it is what we have to nourish each time. And when we do, we can reach our other goals easier since we have the strength that can empower us to do what we put our minds and our hearts into.

Our spirituality helps us to give love better, keep our faith, and find hope when it seems there is no more. It is what speaks to us in a form of conscience to avoid the evil temptations in this world. It fuels the mind, body, and soul. It is what completes us.

So, for the coming year...ensure that you put more thought first on your spirituality over the things that do not last forever. In the is what you can bring with you.